Monday, February 04, 2008


Is it not weird to text message a manager? I mean, if you were asked who you were txting and you said 'my manager from work,' people would think it was weird, right? I think it's weird. Idk maybe I'm just a stupid selfish bitch (which is probably the case)...but for some reason it's completely okay to do on other people's behalves.

I hate that I get jealous a lot. HATE it. I'm such a downer all the time, and I just know it's going to push Billy away sooner or later.

How the hell am I supposed to not act jealous when girls flirt with him and vice-versa when we still ACT like we're TOGETHER?! Like wtf? I don't know.

I hate myself.

PS-- How is it that I'm only happy when I'm working and/or at school? Those are the things people usually dislike in their lives, and their extracurricular activities are the things people enjoy most. Sadly, I'm part of the minority in this statistic. I love work and school, simply because I feel wanted...I feel like I'm needed and that I do a good job and am somewhat recognized for it. Outside of that... I feel frustrated and unappreciated constantly and nothing ever really keeps me smiling for long..

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